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Supply Of Encode Pcr Master Mix Make Encode Innovation Cat No Enc Pmm 1Ml, Q32855 Qubit Rna High Sensitivity Hs 500 Reactions, 25200056 Trypsin Edta 0 25Percent Phenol Red, A50668 Qubit Protein Broad Range Br Assay Kits 100 Reactions, Slgv004sl Millipore Millex Pvdf Syringe Filter Pore Size 0 22 Um Diam 4 Mm Sterile Hydrophilic, 12 Well Plate Nunc Cell Culture Treated Multidishes Catalogue 150628, 6 Well Plate Nunc Cell Culture Treated Multidishes Catalogue 140685, P1379 100Ml Tween 20 Sigma , 120074 Heathrow Mini Cooler 20A C, 75 Cm2 Cell Culture Flask Vent Cap Non Tc Sterile 5 Or Pk 100 Or Cs
Supply Of Tris Sigma , Glycerol, Citric Acid Monohydrate, D. Fructose, Sodium Chloride, Benzylpenicillin Injection Ip, Streptomycin Injection Ip, Potassium Permanganate, Glass Slides, Labolene, Giemsa Stain Solution, Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate, Di-Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate Dihydrate, Formaldehyde, Sodium Citrate Dihydrate, Eosin, Eosin Blue Stain Water Soluble, Rose Bengal Stain, Forceps 18 Inch, Forceps 16 Inch, Forceps 20 Inch, Ai Straw Forceps Tweezers, Formaldehyde Solution, Surgical Sprit I P, Glass Funnel, Glass Doom 5000 Ml, Glass Conical Flask 1000 Ml
Supply of Consumables, 5 Human Serum Iron Si Elisa Kit Cat No- Mbs3801560 Make- Mybiosource A Human Serum Iron Si Elisa Kit Cat No- Mbs3801560 Make-Mybiosource B Human C Reactive Protein Crp Elisa Kit Brand- Calbiotech Cat No- Cr375c A Human C Reactive Protein Crp Elisa Kit Brand- Calbiotech Cat No- Cr375c B Tough-Spots For Microcentrifuge Tubes 1.5Ml 5 Across Diam. 1 By 2 In. Assorted Colors Roll Of 5000 Cat No- Z743588 Make -Sigma Or Merck
Supply of Srph302070-Muller Hinton Agar 500 G/Pack: 1. Muller Hinton Agar Should Conform To T He Clsi M6-A2 And International Standards Of Antimicrobial Susceptibilty Testing. 2. Nabl Or Equivalent Certified Manufacturer. 3. Technical Data Sheet Of The Product Must Be Enclosed. 4. Preferred Make Of Difco, Himedia, Oxoid, Merck, Sigma . Unit: Pack.
Supply of Albumin From Human Serum A1653 Sigma- Human Serum Albumin Monoclonal Antibody -Al-01 Invitrogen 50- Well Microtube Storage Box For 1.5-2.0 Ml Tubes Hs120033- Merck Mtc Bio 4-Way Rack Mtcr1030 Merck Pbs Ph 7.4 500Ml Themisto - Built With Passion 5 In 1 Stainless Steel Tweezer Set -Stainless Steel Multipurpose Trays Capacity- 7Ltrs 412 L X 301 B X 73 H Mm Approx