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Supply Of Dental Equipments - Lab Micromotor With Heavy Duty Head Piece, Amalgamator, Pulp Tester Digital, Glass Bead Sterilizer, Needle Burner With Syrangr Cutter, Air Rotor Hand Piece, Blood Pressure Apparatus, Stethoscope, Otoscope, Opthalmoscope, Hand Grip Dynamomotor, Ecg Machine, Microscope, Centrifuge Machine, Compass, Tunning Fork, Clinical Thermometer, Knee Hammer, Haemocytometer, Haemoglobinometer, Test Tube Rack, Composite Curing Unit, Hydraulic Press, Wax Burnout Furnance, Clinical Micromotor, Dental Dewaxing Unit, Double Disc Model Trimmer Carborandum, Dental Lathe Machine, Dental Vibrator, Deflasking Unit, Sand Lasting Unit, Model Trimmer With Diamond Disc, Model Trimmer With Carborandum Disc, Acrylizer, Crown Removal Kit, Restorative Instruments Kit, Scaling Instruments Kit, Extraction Foceps Permanent Teeth, Extraction Forceps Primary Teeth, Rubber Dam Kit, Mirror Mouth, Probe Straight, Pmt Probe Curved Mirror Tweezer, Periosteel Elevator, Ultrasonic Scaler Unit External Unit Mount Scaler, Porcelain Furnace With Servo Stabilizer, Intraoral Xray Portable, Soldering Torch, Xray Viewer Box, Wheel Chair, Ultrasonic Scaler Unit With Distilled Water Plant External, Hinge Dogbite Articulater
Supply of Levonorgestrel-Iucd Tiessel Kit Single Ventilator Circuit For Philips Ventilator Toomy Syringe Disposable Plastic Urinary Catheter Water Trap Sterile Elbow Gloves For Pph Tracheostomy Tube Cuffed 5 Mm Tracheostomy Tube Cuffed 5.5 Mm Tracheostomy Tube Cuffed 6 Mm Urine Mission Multi Test Strips-10 Parameters Collagen With Antibiotic Particles -Gyofil Ab Abdominal Pads Long Abdominal Pad Sevoflurane Bottle Epidural Elastomeric Infusion Pump Mouth Piece Spiro Meter Recording Paper Student Spiro Meter Chain Benedicts Roth Spiro Meter Chain Pen Torch Compus Micropore Tape Snellans Chart Thermo Endotracheal Tube Cuffed -Rae South Oral Mantoux Ppd 5Tu Qc Urine Analysis Control Sedimentation Rate Control Coagulation Eqas Hematology Eqas Brilliant Cresyl Blue Ehrilchs Reagent Eosin Yellow Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate Anhydrous Pottassium Dihydrogen Ortho Phosphate N 10 Hcl Micro Cups
Supply Of College Laboratory Equipments Mirror Drawing Apparatus Electrical Digital Error Counter With Manual And Response Sheet, Mirror Drawing Star Papers, Mirror Drawing Apparatus Simple For Printed Star With Manual, Tachistoscope Fall Door Type Span Of Attention With Manual And Cards, Mirror Drawing Scoring Sheet Pad, Substitution Learning Or Code Learning With Manual, Tachistoscope Cards, Job Satisfaction Scale, Problem Solving Ability Test, Value Test By S.N. Upadhyay, Thematic Apperception Test Hindi, Human Maze Learning Electronics With Digital Error Counter, Finger Maze Wooden Make, Muller Lyre Illusion, Calliper Vernier Type, Weight Discrimination Box, Blind Goggles, Verbal Intelligence Test Vit-Or, Educational Interest Record Eir-K, Mental Fatigue Test Mft B, Study Of Value Test Svt-Ob Hindi English, Home Environment Scale Hes-Sn Hindi., Level Of Aspiration Measure Performance Type Lam-Bs Hindi, Educational Aspiration Scale Eas-Sg Form V. Hindi., Religiosity Scale Rs-Bl Hindi., Experiments On Social Conformity Esc-Bs Hindi, Social Loafing Facilitation Scale Slfs-As Hindi, Personality Inventory Pi-Ss Hindi, Psychological Well Being Scale Pwbs-Sdcp Hindi, Self Concept Scale Hindi, Self Disclosure Inventory, Revised Adjustment Inventory Rai-Kp Hindi., Reactions To Frustration Scale Rfs-Ds Hindi, Aggression Scale Hindi, Sinha Comprehensive Anxiety Test Scat-Ss Hindi, Academic Stress Scale Hindi, Positive Mental Health Inventory Hindi, Handbook Of Sychpological Experiments, Philosophical And Sociological Foundation Of Education Educational Cd, Contemporary Education In India Educational Cd, Personality Assessment -Projective Technique Educational Cd, Photograph Of Indian Psychologist Coloured, Major Schools Of Philosophy, Schools Of Indian Philosophy, Emotional Intelligence Scale, Spiritual Intelligence Scale Sis-Mk, Hindi Achievement Test, Hindi Achievement Test, Attitude Towards Elders Scale Sunita Singh, Happiness Scale, Students Motivation Scale, Smart Phone Addiction Scale, Life Satisfaction Scale Lss-Sj, Pro Environmental Behaviour Scale, Pebs-Sa, Test Of General Intelligence, Job Satisfaction Scale Jss-Hmmp, Group Test Of General Mental Ability, Comprehensive Value Scale, Optimistic Pessimistic Attitude Scale, Five Personality Trait Inventory, Test Of Asakti Anasakti, Mental Depression Scale By Veenita Sharma, Case Study Techniques Cst-Dl Hindi., Self Actualization Inventory Sas-Oh, Achievement Motive Test Amt-Bv, Divergent Production Abilities By Dpa-S, Scientific Aptitude Test For College Students Satcs-Ss, Educational Aspiration Scale Eas-Sg Form V, Achievement Motive Test, Digital Analytical Balance, Stopwatch, Ph Meter, Haemometer, Entomological Pins 0 - 40Mmx0.29Mm, 40Mmx0.32Mm, 40Mmx0.56Mm, 40Mmx0.71Mm, Pipette, Measuring Cylinder, Test Tube Rack, Histological Slides, Embryological Slides, Insect Display Box, Specimen Display Almirah-Steel, Chemical, Cro -Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, Malus Law, Breadboard With Connecting Wires, Electrolytic Capacitor, Resistors, Led Diode, Ic, Transistor, Alkaline 9V Battery, Pn Junction Diode Characteristic Apparatus, High Resistance Box, 5Mtr Enameled Copper Wire, Study Of Boolean Identities And Demorgans Theorem, Variation Of Thermocouple With Temperature, Sodium Lamp, Desiccator, Distillation Water Plant, Centrifuge Machine, Digital Ph Meter, Silica Porcelain Disk, Digital Melting Point Apparatus, Ostwald Viscometer, Stalagmometer, Laboratory Oven, Electronic Balance, Glucometer, Electronic Blood Pressure Measuring Device, Weighing Balance, Height Measuring Rod, Thread Count Device, Microscope, Water Purifier, Compound Microscope, Soil Thermometer, Digital Thermometer, Ganongs Potometer, Farmers Potometer, Willmotts Bubler, Quadrate, Quatrate, Permanent Slide Keeping Tray Box, Plant Herbarium Press, Digital Portable Water And Soil Analysis Kit, Ph Meter, Vasculum, Wooden Staining Rack, Washing Bottle, Chromotographic Chamber, Hot Plate, Petri Dish, Watch Glasses, Bell Jar, Specimen Bottle 500 Ml, Specimen Bottle 1000 Ml, Specimen Jar 500Ml, Specimen Jar 250Ml
Supply Of Equipment - Table With Marble Or Stainless Steel Tops With A Minimum Size 6X2x3, Table With Marble Or Stainless Steel Tops Half Standard Size, Drill Machine, Hand Saw Preferably Metal, Band Saw For Sectioning Bodies And Limbs, Brain Knife, Mortuary Cooler With Arrangement To Keep One Body, Storage Tanks For Cadavers To Hold 10 Cadavers Static Or Movable Durable Tank With Input And Output Facility With Lid, Plastic Tank For Storing Soft And Dissected Parts, Trolley Table Steel, X Ray Viewing Lobby, Meat Cutting Machine For Thin Body Sections Trans And Verticalfor Gross Anatomy Sectional Study, Embalming Machine, Cabinet For Slides 1000, Hot Plates For Flattening Sections, Hot Air Oven For Drying Slides 45 Degree C, Refrigerators Minimum 220 Liters, Marking Pencils, Specimen Jar, Incubators, Faculty Microscope, Five Headed Microscope, Binocular Microscopes, Disecting Microscopes, Rotary Microtome, Sledge Microtome, Paraffin Embedding Bath, Chart Diagrams Models, Radio Frequency Ablation Pain Clinic, Cryostat, Automatic Tissue Processor, Demonstration Eye Piece, Double Demonstration Eye Piece, Stage Incubator, Westergrens Pipette For Esr On Stand With Space Pipette, Wintrobes Pipette For Esr And Pcv With Stand, Hemoglobin Meter With Spaces, Hemocytocytomater, Thermometers Balances Micro Slides And Glassware, Centrifuge High Speed With Technometer, Colorimeter Photoelectric, Ph Meter Electric, Sphygmomanometer Digital, Stethoscopes, Computerise Polygraph 4 Channel, Spirometer Ordinary, Mossos Ergograph, Clinical Thermometer, Compass , Thermo , Algometer, Knee Hammer, Stethograph, Bicycle Ergometer, Olfactometer, Ophthalmoscope, Schematic Eye, Dynamometer, Otoscope, Stop Watch, 12 Channel Ecg Machine, Yoga Mate, Venous Pressure Apparatus, Douglas Bag Complete, Basal Metabolism Apparatus, Apparatus For Passive Movement, Phakoscope, Perimeter With Charts Listers, Maddox Rod, Newtons Color Wheel, Gas Analyser Automatic For Co2 O2 N2, Sherrington Starling Kymograph Electrically Driven, Electromagnetic Time Marker, Myograph Stand, Electronic Stimulator, Tuning Fork Time Marker 100 Per Sec, Electrodes, Spirit Lamps, Mareys Tambour, Low Voltage Unit For Tapping 2 And 4 Volts, Refrigerator, Water Distillation Steel With Spare Heating Element, Intubation Set, Pulse Oximeter, Ecg Machine, Featal Doppler, Skin Hook Single, Skin Hook Double, Needle Holder Different Sizes, Thread Cutting Scissors, Aural Cup Forceps, Nasal Packing Set, Nasal Packing Forcep, Nasal Speculum Cannula, Sterilizer, Cold Room, Magnetic Stirrer, Vortex Mixture, Centrifuge, For Basic Science And Miscellaneous
Supply of Sherrington Starling Kymograph Electrically Driven, 141 Sherrington Starling Kymograph Electrically Driven Inductorium Simple Key Short Circuiting Key Pohls Commutator Vibrating Interrupter Muscle Trough Frog Board For Dissection Muscle Grip Of Femur Clamp Hook And Weight Set Frog Board Cork Lined With Boss Head Low Voltage Unit For Tapping 2 And 4 Volts For Stimulation Electromagnetic Time Marker Electrodes X-Blocks Lnagendorff Apparatus Perimeter With Charts Listers Perimeter Pristely Smith Mossos Ergograph Thermo- Algometer Stethograph Olfactometer Phakoscope Color Perception Lantern Edridge Green Anaesthesia Box Two Step Test Exerciser Muscle Lever Basal Metabolism Apparatus Apparatus For Passive Movement
Supply of 132 Sherrongton Starling Kymograph Electrically Driven Myograph Stand Electromagnetic Time Markers 2 Mary S Tambour Demonstration Eye Piece Double Demonstration Eye Piece Perimeter Priestly Smith S Lp 984B T Venus Pressure Apparatus Gas Anlysis Apparatus Haldane Students Type Van Slyko S Apparatus Manometeric Gas Analyzer Automatic For Co2 02 N2 Basal Metabolism Apparatus Mosso S Ergograph Compas Thermo Aethesiometer Algometer Apparatus For Passive Movement Oflactometer Shcematic Eye Phakoscope Perimeter With Charts Colour Perception Lantern Edridge Green Newton Colour Wheel
Supply of 130 Sherrington Starling Kymograph Electrically Driven Myograph Stand Low Voltage Unit For Tapping 2 And 4 Volts For Stimulation Electromagnetic Time Markers Marys Tambour Demonstration Eye Piece Double Demonstration Eye Piece Perimeter Priestly Smith S Perlp 984B And T Douglas Bag Complete Mossos Ergograph Compas Thermo Algometer Apparatus For Passive Movement Oflactometer Shcematic Eye Phakoscope Perimeter With Charts Colour Perception Lantern Edridge Green Newton Colour Wheel